Fashion makes up part of someones persona, particularly when you're young. But as particular garments go through the fashion cycle they can become overly popular and as common as cock to a pornstar. In this article I'll run through a couple items of clothing that are currently overworn. Don't get me wrong, I've worn, or still wear all of the items of clothing on this list, just not everyday for the last 5 months.
T-Shirts With Prints
Now as with all the clothes on this list, I like these and I wear these, just not all the fucking time! It seems that a portrait picture of either a girl or a city (popular ones include: Miami, Ibiza, London, LA and Tokyo) are usually common themes for the images. Now these look quite good, especially some multi-coloured ones in the summer. But some guys have taken it upon themselves to buy 14 of these shirts and wear one everyday. Don't worry though, they're all different images on them, so that's fine, right?..
I absolutely love the fact that these have come back into fashion. Snapbacks also make it much easier for you to find one that fits you. Back in the day of New Era caps you had to know what hat size you were which is a hassle that up a lot of people off. But this new type of cap is a perfect cross between a baseball cap and a flat cap, and the clip at the back makes all the hats adjustable. However you get the guys that walk round with the same Obey hat on for weeks on end. I'm sure that if you smelt the inside of the hat it'd smell like a dick that was sewn shut and the smeg was left to ferment over 3 weeks.
I've got a pair in blue, love 'em. However I also have other shoes/trainers, I also wear said alternatives. You get these people who wear Vans with literally everything, I saw a guy with a pair on whilst in a suit the other day... seriously. I think these are an epic pair of summer shoes and with a set of chino shorts, t-shirt and a pair of Ray-Bans. Vans Authentic seems to be the style that have really taken off, probably set off by the recent popularity of plimsolls.
These have become a fantastic alternative to jeans and joggers. But alternative is the key word here, not replacement. It's great that we can wear trousers of almost any colour now and get away with it, it definitely diversifies my wardrobe. But wearing these day in day out is ridiculous, some guys need to get some creativity. They look fantastic on and they've got a range of style and ways to wear them, skinny fit, slim fit and regular, rolled up or left down. However the range of styles and ways to wear them doesn't mean that they should be the only form of trousers that a guy wears.
Aztec Patterns
I'm 97.5% sure this will phase out by the January next year. Remember when lumber jack style checked shirts were in style, how long did that last? The patterns that shops like Asos, River Island, Topman, etc. are creating are very interesting and eye catching. In addition to this, they look great in summer weather. However, like all the items of clothing listed in this article, there are people out there that seem to think they must solely wear clothing with these designs. Is it really necessary to make it look as if all your clothing was made by the Mayan's?
As I said at the beginning of this articles, I'm not slating these items of clothing. Instead I'm slating the knob jockeys who only wear these items...