Am I The Only One Who...

Just a list of stuff that I do or feel that I wonder if anyone else does.
  • Writes the lyrics or titles of songs in my drafts/notes of my phone so I remember to download them later.
  • When something I want is too far away to reach, I try to use the force to levitate it over. One day...
  • Goes on the computer with the intention to do something and instead just brings up Facebook and forgets what I went on for. 
  • Makes a sound out loud when I think of an awkward thing I said or did earlier on.
  • Out of nowhere, completely loose trail of thought.
  • Just cannot act normally when I'm aware I'm being recorded.
  • Finds it awkward pissing in urinals but when I'm drunk I'll happily do it.
  • Feels like a dirty tramp after wanking.
  • Loves the steel drums.
  • Always thinks of an epic comeback, but like 3 hours after the argument.
  • Considers a girl biting one of her lips (particularly the bottom) literally the sexiest thing of all time
  • Sings my heart out in the shower
  • Seeing a fit girl, calling dibs to your mates, but simultaneously knowing that you don't have the confidence to go for it unless she gives you an opening. 
  • Goes into Iceland for a pizza and coming out with 20 quids worth of food. Why is everything £1 or £2!?
  • Almost subliminally pressing the snooze button in the morning, then eventually looking at the time and shouting 'SHIT!'
  • Playing the fuck out of my phone games whilst dropping a deuce.
  • Wears socks during sex.
  • Talks to their dog with the expectation of them replying.
  • Judges someone's dick size by the sound of their piss hitting the water in the toilet.
  • Suddenly becomes concious of testicular cancer and moves the laptop off my lap.
  • Is desperate to be a Saiyan from DragonBall Z.
  • Keeps a receipt for EVERYTHING I buy.
  • Thinks that every time I go up a tier in education (e.g. SAT's - GCSE's - A-Level's) I always think the previous one was so easy, yet it was fucking impossible when I actually did it.
  • Considers the phrase 'You Only Live Once' a great motto, but can't stand these mugs that say YOLO after anything. (Example twitter status: 'Making myself some tea #YOLO)